Saturday 29 December 2018

9 Questions Your SEO Expert Must Answer Precisely

Numerous SEO expert London companies exist in the city and in Britain itself. In light of this, many businesses such as yours fall prey to these companies’ empty promises. Therefore, many ask how do you find the best SEO company in London?

True enough, there are tens of thousands of London SEO companies willing to help you. These companies genuinely want you to get better results and have better online presence in any of your campaigns. However, you’ll need to ask the right questions to find them.

Here is a list of questions that can help you.

How Long Have You Worked in the Industry?

An SEO expert London understands how SEO contributes to any digital marketing campaign greatly. Search engine optimization aims to improve a brand’s online presence through website improvement and overall digital campaign performance management.

Therefore, any SEO consultant or agency that has worked for half or more than a decade has gained applied skills and knowledge that delivers results. However, keep in mind that their experience and portfolio can make them more expensive than average agencies you might find.

Do You Have Any Case Studies or Clients You Can Refer To?

Any hype or data-based company advertising will lean to the SEO expert London’s agency’s advantage. However, clients who wish them to have more business will recommend them gladly to prospecting companies such as yours.

You can ask the agency to supply you with clients who had found success in using their service. In addition, you can ask them to give you case studies and other referential data material that shows their digital marketing campaign’s capabilities.

Can I Have Some Blogs or EBooks To Understand More About Your Knowledge?

In addition to case studies, digital marketers publish their knowledge through their blogs. Additionally, they often publish project knowledge and applied skills in blogs and ebooks. You do not need to contact them to receive this information because you’ll often find them in their company websites.

However, to get ebooks, you may need to sign up for their newsletter to get your copy. If the data and knowledge you read from the ebooks add value to you, then you’ve made a great decision. In fact, consider choosing the particular company your working with greatly.

What General Guarantees Can You Provide in Every Project?

No SEO expert London can guarantee any definite results. However, they can guarantee positive estimates on your behalf.

True enough, they might answer this question that they can improve your conversions by 20-100%. However, you can still consider their services even if they cannot answer this question accurately.

Any search engine optimization campaign takes time to improve and see positive progress. However, your SEO company must guarantee they will continue working until you reach your goals.

Can I See An Example of Your Regular Client Update?

You might think updates are a strange thing to ask. The truth is many SEO agencies present too much confusing data to their clients without any explanation.

Genuinely helpful digital marketers and SEO expert London present data in a way it is easy for the client to understand. In doing so, they help the business to progress and add new knowledge for themselves.

Is it Okay To Have You Demonstrate How a Particular Digital Strategy Works?

Aside from their reports, ask them to explain their case study to you either in live chat or in person. This allows you to estimate how much they really know about SEO and the services they provide.

SEO is just one aspect in an entire digital marketing strategy. Therefore, SEO agencies must be familiar how their work will affect the complete strategy and explain to you how their services will contribute to the big picture.

When Things Do Not Go As Planned, How Do You Cope With Your Projects?

Adaptability is an important characteristic of any agency. Make sure to take note how your prospects can reverse a negative outcome during a campaign.

What Areas of My Website or Current Campaign Is Contributing to Poor Performance?

Normally, you can assess the knowledge of your prospects quickly through the free consultation most SEO companies provide. If you gain better insight, then you might want to consider using this particular SEO agency to help you improve your online performance.

Who Is the Digital Marketing or Marketer You Admire the Most?

Any good SEO and full-fledged digital marketing agency knows there is someone always better than you and serves as an inspiration to make you work harder. This answer has no bearing on their work performance for your business, but it can show you great insight about the way they work.

Wrapping Up

To find the best agency, make sure to ask these particular questions to give you clarity and help you make a clear decision to improve your online presence and overall SEO strategy. In addition, this will help you avoid expensive errors and minimize risks for all your digital marketing campaigns.

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Why It Pays To Have Top SEO Consultants Work With You

Every business of all sizes are employing top SEO consultants. Their reason: digital marketing’s cost-efficiency.

True enough, search engine optimization (SEO) contributes greatly to any business. Every day, an average of 63,000 searches happen on Google alone. Don’t you think you’re missing out on huge traffic with a poorly-optimized website?

In addition, your improved SEO rankings help you know more about your audience. Top SEO consultants pay attention to your audiences’ browsing behaviors.

For example, if more people read a page longer than the landing page, then you can quickly make the necessary changes.

It’s virtually impossible for businesses to survive digital marketing without top SEO consultants to work with.

SEO’s Role In the Near Future

According to Smart Insights, search engines will increase in capability and value in the next decade. Many businesses must adapt to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to speed up their digital campaigns.

Sounds complicated? It definitely does! However, top SEO consultants perform their research and experiments on new technologies all the time. In turn, they improve different aspects of digital campaigns effectively.

For example, professional and well-experienced marketers utilize new and powerful methods when it comes to email automation, personalization, and content production. True enough, their research helped them create these new groundbreaking solutions.

Furthermore, you can take advantage of this knowledge by hiring these professionals.

Why Not Just Do SEM?

You have definitely heard about search engine marketing (SEM). This involves using paid search engine and social media advertisements.

Businesses just need to set a budget. Then, they bid on a famous high-traffic keyword. Lastly, they get all search results that include the keyword. It’s easy right?

However, heavy dependence on paid advertisements is costly. Additionally, you only get traffic with these advertisements. If you have a poor website with lackluster content, then you won’t receive any qualified traffic.

Top SEO consultants make sure you receive qualified traffic through a well-rounded digital campaign.

Top SEO Consultants Allow You To Focus On More Important Things

Your limited time requires you to focus on business development. Therefore, you’ll need someone with great experience and knowledge to develop your digital campaigns.

Outsourcing to Top SEO consultants is a wise decision for any business owner. In doing so, they guarantee the future of their digital campaigns.

True enough, digital professionals cost a bit higher than in-house work. However, you’re paying for their years of research and guaranteed campaign results.

Complete Digital Campaign Management

Top SEO consultants have the following responsibilities:

Content management
Social network campaigns
Paid advertisement campaigns
Website development
Search engine optimization
Email automation
Data analytics and growth hacking

True enough, developing these digital campaign aspects will take time if you do it in-house. On the contrary, their knowledge and experience makes top SEO consultants your best candidates for online marketing success.

Improved Number of Qualified Leads

We stated earlier that anyone can run paid advertising campaigns. However, success in retaining your traffic’s attention is highly unlikely if you do it alone.

Top SEO consultants help you create content that monitors your audience’s behavior. Next, they analyze these data to aid you in making digital campaign decisions.

So, you’ll just receive a condensed report with the marketers’ recommended actions to yield their estimated results. Another positive advantage is these marketers can evaluate on their reasoning and help you gain qualified leads in the process.

UI Review and Upgrades

Your website may currently have excellent content. True enough, you’re funneling huge traffic into your landing page. Unfortunately, some turn away because they find your navigation horrid and limiting.

Top SEO consultants will perform periodic UI reviews. Upon evaluating the navigation features and overall website aesthetic, they will recommend necessary improvements to help reduce bounce rates.

In turn, you gain qualified leads interested genuinely in your business leading to…

Improved Brand Authority

Businesses gain authority with quality content and excellent branding. However, knowledge impresses more audiences.

By providing free content that adds value to audiences, they associate your brand with the helpful information they received. In addition, your authority improves by showcasing value-adding knowledge in an e-book or exclusive video.

True enough, digital content are just helpful words, videos, or audio. However, they are of huge value to audiences. Top SEO consultants recognize their value allowing them to improve your content campaigns effectively.

Top SEO Consultants = Great Business Investments

You have nothing to lose in working with Top SEO consultants. Therefore, it is one of the wisest business decisions you can do to improve your overall online presence and the profits of your business.

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Thursday 22 November 2018

5 Ways To Know if You’re Dealing With a ‘Shady’ Google SEO Consultant

It’s a great relief for small and medium businesses to find Google SEO consultants specializing in virtually every trade nowadays.

However, you have definitely heard stories of unscrupulous consultants and agencies that had ripped off and never delivered excellent results to their clients. Unfortunately, every business faces this true and sad reality today.

To avoid these scammers, most businesses trust big-name consultants to help with their search engine optimization needs. However, these specialists can be quite expensive. In fact, they will often favor high-budget projects to maximize their workload.

If you need to work with a new prospect, you can use these five questions to know whether you’re working with a reliable agency.

Reviews are a Complete Contrast of Company Claims

Before you use the Google SEO consultant’s free website consultation service, check out review websites and forums to know more about these companies.

Most of the time, you’ll find positive reviews about truly reputable consultancies and agencies. However, if you find plenty of negative reviews about the agency, then reconsider your prospect and find a new company.

Refuse to work with companies with overwhelming negative reviews that contrast their company website’s claims and case studies. Additionally, you can ask the clients the prospect features in their case study if the results are true to the prospect’s claims.

‘Too Good To Be True’ Case Study Results

Almost every Google SEO consultant understands that data-backed information is the best way to go with company marketing. True enough, amazing high-figure or doubled expected results will capture the interest of small and medium business owners.

Additionally, if the prospect’s data proves believable with measured metrics, then SMEs will definitely want to work with this prospect.

Unfortunately, even with data-backed claims, some results they claim can be too good to be true. The only way to know is to speak with the client they worked with who received these amazing results and verify it.

Extremely Old Data to Support Their Best Practices

Data is a powerful medium because many audiences want ideas and solutions with evidences. Your prospective Google SEO consultant may mention data and methods they used that worked in 2014-2015. In fact, they might add that they won an award because of their groundbreaking work and even their client during the time attests to it.

While not entirely a sign of shadiness, it is better to work with a consultancy that can present more recent results than ones with ages-old data. The reason for this is Google and other search engine algorithms have changed through the years and will continue to change. Therefore, what worked in 2014 may not work in 2019 onwards.

Requires No Involvement From Clients

A true sign of shadiness is when your consultant claims that you don’t need to get involved in the entire SEO process. Any good agency knows clients want regular updates and involvement in the entire process. As a client, you want to know what you’re paying for and where your money is going.

You’ll want to see if their procedures are legitimate. In fact, it pays to know how your digital campaign’s overall performance is going on a daily or weekly basis. It is possible the SEO company is using “black hat” or illegitimate strategies, which is the reason they don’t want to involve you in the process.

‘We’re All You Will Ever Need’

There are over 200 plus factors that Google and other search engines consider when placing a website as the top search engine result. It’s not just about the website traffic or low-competition keywords the agency uses.

If you’re working with a digital marketing company, it is possible they’re all you’ll ever need. However, an SEO company isn’t everything you need to get on top.

Wrapping Up

An excellent consultant presents the most recent case study with positive results to their new clients. In fact, their previous clients will attest to their performance and work ethic. By remembering these five points, you’ll definitely avoid working with a shady SEO consultant!

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Five Signs Your Search Engine Marketing Consultant Isn’t Worth Working With

It is fortunate to consider we’re living in a world where you can find a search engine marketing consultant just about anywhere. In fact, it is advantageous if you consider how some big-name agencies prioritize high-budget projects and leave you with unsatisfying results.

It pays to know if your prospective consultant or agency is worth working with. True enough, they have all the time and resources to work on your campaign with a limited budget. However, if they fail to achieve the results you need, then they’re as much a waste of time and money as any consultancy that shuns your projects.

Make sure to avoid agencies or consultants with the following traits listed below.

No Good Client Reviews

You’ll want to see positive reviews on your prospective candidate. True enough, if you fail to see any positive reviews, then consider it a red flag not to work with them.

Search engine marketing consultants thrive on results-based work. Therefore, they need to deliver client-expected results. If they fail to do so, then it means they’re bad business.

However, you may want to consider hiring companies without any positive or negative reviews. While these companies are fresh, it is possible they’ve experimented with self-funded and initiated projects to achieve their intended results.

They Can’t Give You a Good Case Study

You want to see results. Therefore, you’ll want your agency to have achieved excellent results for any past client. If they cannot provide a complete case study — even ones from their self-funded or initiated projects and experiments — then it’s highly-likely they cannot give you the results you need.

Case studies do not only show data-backed evidence backing up their work achievements. Additionally, it indicates how much the search engine marketing consultant is truly willing to learn more and become passionate about search engine marketing.

Can’t Answer Your Knowledge-Probing Questions Properly

If you feel as if your prospective search engine marketing consultant is dodging the real answer to your queries, then consider this a red flag. As a business owner, you can have done research on search engine marketing and want to clarify a few things you read.

Therefore, answering unclear topics using the help (and possible free consultation) of your prospect consultancy helps show you their knowledge level regarding the service they intend to provide to you. Failure to do so definitely makes them unworthy to work with you.

An Unconvincing Free Consultation Result

One of the most crucial questions agencies need to answer is how well or poor your website and onging campaign is going through. While there is no right or wrong answer, an informative and value-adding consultation answer makes or breaks their deal with you.

If they tell you that your website is doing poorly without any data or investigative information to support their claim, then they’re not worth working it.

Agencies do not simply say a website does poorly without any additional information. They will impart a certain bit of knowledge and present to you a small part of their solution. In fact, the full solution is available to you only if you agree to work with them (and this is considered fair.)

Nothing Value Adding from Blogs and Newsletters

Most of the time, you’ll find these companies’ blogs full of value-adding information. Many agencies will have blogs giving you a full introductory course on search engine marketing, digital marketing, social media, and more.

However, if they only have basic knowledge in their blog, then it can only mean it is their only particular knowledge level. Find another prospect to work with.

Wrapping Up

It’s easy to fall into the “bargain deals” trap of some SEO agencies. However, even if you’re just paying a small fee, it becomes a bad investment if you repeat the same mistakes in choosing an agency over time.

By identifying these red flags, you can avoid any poor-performing SEO agency and get an agency that has a decent price and guarantees excellent results for any of your campaigns.

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Monday 15 October 2018

Tips From a Search Engine Optimization Consultant

A website’s basic information or content is one of the most important ingredients in implementing a successful website SEO optimization. People will usually judge your site within a few seconds of entering it, so make sure you make a good first impression.

Even if you are outsourcing SEO services even from a great search engine optimization consultant, they can do all the optimizing they can but if your website structure is not properly created and the content is lacking, the results will not be that productive.

You will want to make sure that your website contains all the basic information that people expect to see. Here are the basic ones:

About Us page: This is meant to give people who come into your website a quick idea of what your company is about and what it offers. This is also a great place to share your company vision and mission.

Description of your products or services: Sell your products or services to prospective customers by explaining how they can directly benefit them in an easy to understand way. Convince your audience that they need you.

Contact information: Make sure that your contact information is clear and easy to find so that customers can make inquiries and contact your company easily. It’s good to give people several means of contacting you like giving your telephone, mobile, email, and mailing addresses.

This helps give your company a more trustworthy image. Of course, be sure to respond promptly and satisfactorily when people contact any of those contact numbers and addresses.

FAQ’s page: You can translate inquiries that you frequently get in emails into frequently asked questions on your website. This helps reduce the hordes of questions you may receive all asking about the same thing and save you the time and effort of responding to all of them. And it can also be great for SEO, if you and your search engine consultant can include your keywords in the FAQ responses as well.

Keyword optimized articles: As any good search engine optimization consultant will tell you optimized articles are a great way to increase rankings in search engines. Since users expect useful and quality content, search engines strive to find the most informative content that contains all the necessary keywords that were searched for. That’s basically why a search engine optimization consultant will suggest that if you don’t already have a blog you should, even if you have to outsource the writing as well.

Customer reviews: It’s been found over and over again that people are most likely to trust peers over advertisements, even if those peers aren’t actually people they know. Customer reviews of products and services are the best way for prospective customers to get sold on your product. It may be wise to ask satisfied customers to provide feedback on your company whenever possible.

So there you have it; the basic content you need to start website SEO optimization. If you are going to outsource SEO services to a search engine optimization consultant, depending on their company itself, you can choose to delegate these tasks to them to make sure that all the basics are covered when it comes to your website needs.

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Five Crucial Questions to Ask Before Hiring an SEO Expert in London

If you are interviewing – or planning to interview – various SEO experts in London with a view to hiring one of them then there are some very obvious questions you will already be planning on asking them. How much will this cost and how long will it take are two very common questions. These are must asks for sure, but they are not the questions that will really help you make the best choice of SEO expert in London for you.

These are the questions you should ask a potential SEO consultant or agency to help you really determine whether or not they are the right fit for you:

  • What are some of the strategies and tactics you have seen working well recently for a business site like ours?
  • Can you give me some examples of working with a site like ours?
  • How often do you report on the work you are doing, and how can I know if it is successful?
  • How does a project with you typically start, and what do you require from us?
  • What’s your approach to link building?

Why should you ask these questions? Let’s take them one by one:

Question: “What are some of the tactics and strategies you have seen working well recently for a business site like ours?”
Why you ask it: You need to know if the SEO consultant is open to trying new things and is actually up to date with what is actually driving business results right now, as opposed to following what the “gurus” said three years ago. You want to hear real experiences, real stories and get real examples of how things have shifted and what is currently driving results for their clients.

Question: “Can you give me some examples of working with a site like ours?”
Why you ask it: SEO is more complicated than ever these days and what works for large sites won’t work for small sites, and vice versa. As SEO becomes increasingly specialized, you want to work with an SEO expert in London who has extensive experience working with your type and size of website. They’ll understand your audience, how to target them, how to fix your website, and so much more.

Question: “How often do you report on the work you are doing, and how do I know if it is successful?”
Why you ask it: Different businesses report in different ways. Sometimes your reporting needs are minimal and your head of marketing understands that SEO is a long-term commitment and therefore they need less reporting than one who expects SEO to work like PPC (I give you $X dollars and you give me back $Y dollars). Regardless of if your business is the former or the latter, you need to hire the SEO expert in London who reports (or is able to report) in the ways that you need them to.

Question: “How does an SEO project with you typically start, and what do you require from me?”
Why you ask it: From an SEO agency/SEO consultant perspective, the project kick off is one of the most crucial parts of the whole engagement. As the business hiring a consultant/agency, your understanding (and their ability to communicate it) of what is required from your end for a successful project is a must.

Any great SEO expert in London should be able to give you a list of all the things they require access to and what you will need to do to help them be successful in growing your business.

Question: “What’s your approach to link building?”
Why you ask it: If you’re hiring an SEO agency/consultant to build links to your site to help with your organic traffic, you first need to educate yourself about the good, the bad, and the ugly of link building. Then, you need to ask your potential marketing provider how they build links to your site, what they will prioritize, and how you should measure their success (hint: it’s complicated). If you have any doubts, get a second opinion or walk away. It’s not worth your business.

These are just a few of the questions you should ask, there are more. And don’t be afraid to ask lots of them. Hiring a true SEO expert in London is not likely to be cheap (well actually it shouldn’t be) and you deserve to try and ensure that you’ll get a good return on your investment before you make it.

Ready to start working with one of the best SEO experts in London? Give me a call today.

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Saturday 22 September 2018

Best SEO Consultant in London

Search engine optimization is the way toward influencing the online visibility of a site or a site page in a web search engine’s unpaid results —regularly referred to as “organic “, “natural”, or “earned” results. Generally, the prior (or higher positioned on the search lists page), and all the more site shows up in the list items list, the more guests it will get from the web engine’s clients; these guests would then be able to be changed over into customers.SEO may target various types of search, including picture look, video search, news search, academic search, industry-specific vertical search engines. SEO varies from nearby search engine optimization in that the latter is focused on optimizing a business’ online presence with the goal that its site pages will be shown via web indexes when a client enters a neighborhood scan for its products or services. The former rather is more centered on national or universal searches.

As an Internet promoting strategy, SEO considers how web engines work, the PC customized calculations which manage search engine conduct, what people scan for, the actual hunt terms or keywords composed into search engines, and which search engines are favored by their focused on audience. Optimizing a site may include adding content, editing its content, doing HTML, and associated coding to both increment its significance to particular keywords and to remove boundaries to the indexing exercises of search engines tools. Promoting a site to expand the quantity of backlinks, or inbound links is another SEO strategy.

Many experts are available there who provide that kind of services and they focused the most important SEO techniques which improve visitor engagement and rankings, improve your site page load speed, increase the depth of the content of your existing pages, , build backlinks to your site, provide detailed reporting and analytics and improve technical optimization of your site. SEO Consultant London work closely with your existing web design, web development director and can head up a marketing campaign and deliver results on time. An SEO audit will help you get more visitors to your website, SEO for Bing, Yahoo or Google. Clients of business websites say integrated web page marketing and a search engine SEO should be by a competent SEO company working in the market that has a good understanding of SEO.

Saturday 28 April 2018

Spag Bol, Norway 2011

Spag Bol, Norway 2011 Date of entry: September 2011 This evening we bought the dinner for the 4 of us! Spaghetti Bolognaise ? – a very simple yet very tasty meal to make – and my favourite meal, actually! It was definitely called for as Dan and I needed something to eat to recover from […]

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Friday 27 April 2018

Waffle Cakes, Norway 2011

Waffle Cakes, Norway 2011 Date of entry: September 2011 Once we were up, realised how stupid it was to have consumed that amount of alcohol, we were then applauded ? by Thea who said we managed better than most. Then came the highlight of the day: after Catherine kindly offered to make us breakfast (Thea […]

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Thursday 26 April 2018

The Morning After the Night Before, Norway 2011

The Morning After the Night Before, Norway 2011 Date of entry: September 2011 I woke up to find Dan sleeping next to me on the couch. Fortunately, it appears we did not spoon ?– but who knows that truly happened during those twilight hours. Anyway, as we discover he wandered around, emptied the contents of […]

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Wednesday 25 April 2018

Handball and Meeting “The Godfather”, Norway 2011

Handball and Meeting “The Godfather”, Norway 2011 Date of entry: September 2011 Well, as a first evening treat, the girls decided they would cook ? for us for our first night. The drinking begins. Subsequent to the dinner. Catherine invited two of her handball playing sport science studying friends over to join us for dinner. […]

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Tuesday 24 April 2018

Meeting Thea and Catherine, Norway 2011

Meeting Thea and Catherine, Norway 2011 Date of entry: September 2011 So, Thea decided that she would meet us at the bus station ? in the centre of town – always a little apprehensive the first time you meet someone that they will decided to just not show – as there’s not a lot you […]

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Monday 23 April 2018

Getting to the Airport, Norway 2011

Getting to the Airport, Norway 2011 Date of entry: September 2011 Well, Daniel, being the moany little bitch he is, was worried that I was cutting my arrival to Gatwick – 25 minutes before our gate closed ?, and kept urging me to get there earlier. In true Indian man style however, I was taking the […]

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Sunday 22 April 2018

Couchsurfing, Norway 2011

Couchsurfing, Norway 2011 Date of entry: September 2011 People that know me well, and people that don’t know me well at all – in fact everyone, often asks me how I am able to do so much with so little ? Basically, how is it that I have an income comparable to a tramp, but can live […]

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Saturday 21 April 2018

Read Me, Norway 2011

Read Me, Norway 2011 Date of entry: September 2011 This is the story of my 5th marathon journey that starts in London and finishes in Oslo. This time the intrepid backpacker/awesome dude, Deepak, chose Oslo as his preferred choice of running venue. Why? No fucking idea – well I wanted Russia but that was too expensive – […]

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Thursday 19 April 2018

The end…

The end… Posted: July 26, 2011 in Tallinn And so this brings my 7 day hitchhike across Europe to an end. I crossed the borders overland of 8 countries, travelled 1200 miles, slept in railway stations, with Latvian gypsy famers, hung out with a professional NBA player ?, still managed to smash my holiday budget, […]

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Umesh Bhatt | Pulse Pixel Testimonial | Working With Umesh


Sonny Tee Testimonial | Funnel Hacker Pro | Everyday | Sumo


Umesh Bhatt | Pulse Pixel Testimonial | Working With Umesh


Sonny Tee Testimonial | Funnel Hacker Pro | Everyday | Sumo


Wednesday 18 April 2018

A Brief Note on the Stag, Estonia 2011

A Brief Note on the Stag, Estonia 2011 Date of entry: July 26, 2011 I said goodbye to The Turk the day after, and I must admit that each time we said goodbye to a member of the 5 strong group I felt a little shudder. Unless I upend my historical pattern of communication, I will […]

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Tuesday 17 April 2018

Saying goodbye to Pavel, Estonia 2011

Saying goodbye to Pavel, Estonia 2011 Date of entry: July 26, 2011 We stopped off in Parnau to grab a coffee – it was about midnight when we turned up, it being a Thursday night/Friday morning now, and Pavel seemed determined to run his routines on the local women. Because I had been much more a […]

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Monday 16 April 2018

Arriving in Tallinn, Estonia 2011

Arriving in Tallinn, Estonia 2011 Date of entry: July 26, 2011 Well, we made a double drop off in Tallinn, having prior to that stopped at a roadside safe to eat some manky red Russian meat soup and I took my top off to pose by a motorbike thing and show off my now withered […]

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Sunday 15 April 2018

Russian Eggs, The Turk, and the Ride, Germany 2011

Russian Eggs, The Turk, and the Ride, Germany 2011 Date of entry: July 26, 2011 I awoke, having slept like a log, to the smell of eggs. Russian eggs. ? Al Pacino (as I don’t remember his name, not that he spoke any English, or that I spoke any Russian) made them for us. And […]

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Babu Childhood | Ram Kuber Tiwari | 2017 | My Grandfather | Deepak Shukla


Episode 3 | Life Love And Entrepreneurship | LLE Show | Deepak Shukla | Jessie Pengilly

Deepak Shukla and Jessie Pengilly are back again to discuss entrepreneurship, cutting out noise, what is the definition of an entrepreneur and lessons learnt from drinking at the weekend!

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Episode 2 | Life, Love and Entrepreneurship | LLE Show | Deepak Shukla | Jessie Pengilly

Today we're back with Episode 2 of LLE with Deepak Shukla And Jessie Pengilly


Episode 1 | Life Love And Entrepreneurship | LLE Show | Deepak Shukla | Jessie Pengilly

Welcome to the inaugural episode of Life Love and Entrepreneurship w/Deepak Shukla and Jessie Pengilly as the host

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